Understanding Oregon's Personal Injury Protection Benefits

Personal injury protection (PIP) benefits are a crucial aspect of Oregon’s auto insurance that provides coverage for medical expenses and related costs in the event of a car crash. In Oregon, PIP benefits play a vital role in ensuring that individuals injured in auto accidents receive timely and appropriate medical care. This blog post aims to shed light on the key features and benefits of Oregon's PIP coverage, empowering people injured in a crash to make informed decisions about their medical treatment or wage loss.

What is Personal Injury Protection (PIP)?

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is a type of no-fault insurance that is mandatory in some states, including Oregon. The purpose of PIP is to provide prompt medical coverage for the driver and passengers involved in an accident, regardless of who was at fault. What this means is that you can get your crash related medical bills paid even if you caused the crash. This coverage extends to medical expenses, lost wages, and other related costs arising from the accident.

Key Features of Oregon's PIP Coverage

  1. Mandatory Coverage: In Oregon, all drivers are required to carry PIP coverage as part of their auto insurance policies. The minimum PIP coverage is set by the state, but individuals have the option to purchase additional coverage for added protection.

  2. Medical Expenses Coverage: Oregon's PIP minimum benefits cover up to $15,000.00 for reasonable and necessary medical expenses resulting from the crash for two years after the crash. This includes hospitalization, doctor visits, surgery, prescription medications, and rehabilitation services.

  3. Wage Loss Benefits: If the injured party is unable to work due to their injuries, PIP benefits can help compensate for lost wages during their recovery period. PIP requires that the injured person miss at least 14 consecutive days of work. Then your PIP insurer will typically reimburse you 70% of your wages. That amount can be capped.

  4. Funeral Expenses: In the unfortunate event of a fatality in an accident, PIP benefits can also cover funeral expenses, providing some relief to the family during their difficult time.

  5. Essential Services: PIP benefits in Oregon can extend to cover the cost of hiring someone to perform essential services, such as housekeeping or childcare, that the injured party is unable to handle due to their injuries.

Advantages of Oregon's PIP Coverage

  1. Quick Access to Medical Care: By making PIP coverage mandatory, Oregon ensures that accident victims have immediate access to medical care, helping them recover faster and potentially reducing the severity of long-term injuries.

  2. Simplified Claims Process: Since PIP is a no-fault insurance, injured parties can file claims with their own insurance provider, eliminating the need for lengthy legal battles to determine fault.

  3. Peace of Mind: PIP coverage provides peace of mind for drivers, knowing that they and their passengers are protected in the event of an accident, regardless of fault.


Oregon's Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits are a fundamental aspect of auto insurance, designed to ensure that accident victims receive the necessary medical care and financial support promptly.

If you or someone you know were injured in an Oregon Car crash please call Ross Law at 503.224.1658 for your free personal injury consultation.