Roughly once a week someone takes the time to send a Thank You card to my office. Many come from clients. Some come from vendors. Sometimes they come from medical providers. This week I received a lovely card from a Chiropractor. The Chiropractor had been the treatment provider for a car crash client in a case I was involved in. The case went to trial and he testified on behalf of our client. A couple of weeks after the trial we had lunch to discuss the trial. During the conversation, we also started to discuss how Oregon personal injury lawyers should be assisting their clients with medical providers. Things like billing issues, referrals, and obtaining medical records were all topics of discussion.
Many of my Personal Injury clients already have a medical provider when they come to see me. If that is the case then I do my best to help the provider with any insurance billing issues they may encounter. This allows my client to focus on getting better and the provider can deal with my office that regularly interacts with insurance companies.
My office can also work with a provider who is treating a client who had their personal injury protection benefits terminated by their insurance company. There are various ways to do this, but often the medical provider is concerned about payment for future services, so it is my office's responsibility to assuage those concerns and do my best to force the insurance company to reinstate PIP medical benefits.
Occasionally my personal injury clients will ask for a referral to a medical provider. I do not have a common referral list, but there are some providers that I have told my clients to steer clear of. At the end of the day, the client needs to be with a provider that they feel comfortable with.
If you, or someone you know, has been injured by another and need a free case evaluation call Portland Oregon Personal Injury Attorney Jeremiah Ross at 503.224.1658. At Ross Law LLC we do our best to help people injured in Car Crashes, Bus Crashes, Trucking Accidents, Bicycle crashes, Bike Crashes, Motorcycle Crashes, and dangerous premises cases. Please remember this post, this blog, and website can be considered ATTORNEY ADVERTISING.