
What You Need to Know to Survive Halloween!

Almost every year Ross Law posts Halloween safety tips. However, this year we have to admit that the Madison Alabama Police Department has outdone us. I came across a great post from the Independence Oregon Police Department yesterday with useful and hilarious Halloween tips. Here are some of the highlights from the Madison Alabama Police Department’s post:

If you want to participate in Trick or Treat…turn on your porch lights. Fire up the scary skeletons and spooky goblins!

If you do not want to participate, turn OFF porch lights and any lights on the front of your home. This is a signal to young ones that you are not serving up the goods!

If you are handing out cavity starter packs, be sure the candy is wrapped and sealed. Homemade treats are great, but will often end up in the trash after parental inspections. Consider non-food treats such a coloring books or stickers to avoid possible food allergy issues.

If you are driving through residential areas, be aware that little monsters and goblins are hyped up on sugar and may not be paying attention to cars or traffic.

Do not drop your children off in a strange neighborhood to trick or treat alone just because it looks like a safe place to get some highfalutin candy. Remember, even Jeffrey Dahmer lived in a nice neighborhood.

Do NOT Get in This Guy’s Car No Matter What Kind of Candy He Offers you!

Do NOT Get in This Guy’s Car No Matter What Kind of Candy He Offers you!

For the Trick or Treaters:

If the porch light is OFF keep moving. This house probably has Dollar Tree candy anyway.

If you receive homemade treats, ask your parents before eating them. Not everyone washes their hands.

Use sidewalks and stay in a group. Cross streets only at crosswalks and do not cut across yards.

Carry a flashlight or wear reflective clothing. Ghosts are only cool if you can see them!

Never go in a house or enter a car to get candy or treats. It could be haunted or worse.

Trick or Treating after 9:00 pm is not cool. Go home and divvy up your loot! Tomorrow is a school day!

Click HERE to read the full post.

Please be safe out there. We want to thank Law Enforcement agencies for getting the word out and trying to keep our streets safe. If you have any questions please call Personal Injury Lawyer Jeremiah Ross at 503.224.1658. Ross Law PDX is happy to provide free personal injury consultations. Please note that Ross Law is not affiliated with either the INdependence Police Department or the Madison Alabama Police Department.

6 Fatal Traffic Crashes In 4 Days in Portland! WTH Portland Drivers?

SIX fatal traffic crashes have occurred in the past FOUR DAYS in Portland Oregon! As an Oregon wrongful death and personal injury lawyer this is extraordinarily alarming. Each and every one of these heartbreaking deaths were likely preventable if people used common sense and simply followed the law while they were driving. Portland Police Bureau Chief Outlaw is warning, “Drivers [to] slow down, don’t drive impaired/distracted. Bikes and peds use caution-don’t assume drivers see you.”

Chief Outlaw also warned that the PPB is going to stepping up traffic enforcement. Portland drivers take note that you may be ticketed for what you perceive as a minor traffic violation (driving 10 miles over the speed limit, rolling through a stop sign, failing to stop while a pedestrian is waiting at a cross walk.) Hopefully increased enforcement will work to change Portland driving behavior.


Law enforcement are not the only folks out there trying to change Portland’s driver’s behavior. Here at Ross Law, we believe that it is our duty to use the civil justice system make our community a safer place by holding wrongdoers accountable and hopefully deterring people from driving negligently, carelessly, or recklessly. We do this by filing lawsuits against the bad drivers that injure our clients. This will hopefully force the bad driver, their family, and their friends to change their driving behavior. We know that it is not easy to be sued and explain your actions that injured or killed someone. We use the civil justice process to attempt to force bad drivers that injure our clients to own up to what they did, and be held responsible by having to explain their actions, and admit they were at fault. Additionally, their insurer will have to pay to compensate the person they injured. We wholeheartedly agree with Chief Outlaw that drivers need to slow down, don’t drive impaired or distracted, and cyclist and pedestrians should be cautious on the roads.

If you or someone you know have been injured or killed in a Oregon motor vehicle crash, call Jeremiah Ross at 503.224.1658. Call Ross Law for your free personal injury case evaluation. We proudly represent people injured in car crashes, bicycle crashes, and pedestrians that were struck by a vehicle.

The Snow Is Coming! Things To Know if You Are In a Car Crash In the Snow.

Virtually the entire of State of Oregon is under a winter storm warning at this time. Forecasters are doing their best to predict how much snow is going to be on the ground when we all wake up tomorrow. It is no secret that the folks in the Willamette Valley, Portland, and the Metro Area struggle with driving in the snow. Portland and the Metro area grinds to a halt usually when there is a threat of snow. People abandon their vehicles, cars slide off the road, cars also slide into each other and into pedestrians. This can result in serious and catastrophic injuries to people involved in these crashes. Oregonlive has posted some great driving tips for people that will venture out in the snow. However, what do you do if you are involved in a crash in the snow?


At the Scene: Once the area is safe, USE YOUR CELL PHONE to gather evidence: Take pictures of the car damage, the scene, the bad driver, witnesses, and the bad driver' driver's license, the bad driver's license plate, and the bad driver's insurance card. Photos of the scene are important in snow and ice crashes, because many times the parties will dispute what caused the crash. Also, have witnesses text or email you their contact information from their phones. This way you can locate them later if needed. If it is safe enough to move the car to the side of the road do it AFTER you take a couple of photos of the crash scene. Moving the vehicle permits traffic to flow through and will permit an ambulance, police officer, or other emergency responders to get to the crash if someone is injured.

If You or Someone Is Injured in the Crash and Needs Immediate Medical Attention: Call 911 if there is an injury and relay what the injuries are.

Seek Medical Care: Immediately seek treatment if you are injured. Your Oregon issued auto insurance should pay $15,000.00 for up to two years of crash related medical treatment. This does not mean you need to go to the Emergency Room, but you should schedule an appointment with a Doctor or Chiropractor to ensure you have not suffered serious injuries. The sooner the better. From a medical standpoint, you may be harming yourself if you wait to seek treatment. From a legal standpoint, insurance companies will likely give your claim less value if there is a “gap in treatment.” Insurance companies will not accept the justification that the snow prevented you from seeking treatment. This means you will likely have to fight harder to obtain maximum compensation for your losses and pain and suffering.

Contact Insurance and the DMV: Call your insurance company to set up a claim. Cooperate with them, but be cautious of their motives. If there was an injury or more than $1500.00 in property damage submit the proper Accident Report to the DMV ASAP. Here is a link to the form: DMV Accident Form.

If you were in a hit and run you must make a police report or notify the DMV within 24 hours and notify your insurer within 30 days. I advise reporting the matter to law enforcement as soon as possible. This is important as you may not be able to make a claim in the future if you were a victim of a hit and run.

Pro Tip: Call A Personal Injury Lawyer at 503.224.1658: Calling Ross Law PDX won't cost you anything to chat, and you can learn about what you need to do next.

Please be safe out there. Please remember that as an Oregon Personal Injury lawyer, Jeremiah Ross may be able to help you obtain maximum compensation for your personal injuries caused in the snow. The roads are still treacherous and there is more snow and ice on the way. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. Please remember this blog and web-site may be considered attorney advertisement AND IS NOT CONSIDERED LEGAL ADVICE. REMEMBER ALL SITUATIONS ARE DIFFERENT, and this post is merely a guide.

Another Avoidable Tragic Death In Portland-Pedestrian Killed by Driver

Yesterday a Portland man was killed by a DUII Driver as he was on the side of the road. His death was the 33 traffic fatality in Portland this year. State wide more than 400 people have been killed in car crashes. All of these deaths could be prevented if people simply followed the laws, avoided distracted driving, kept their vehicles properly maintained, and roads were properly maintained and designed.


The driver who killed the pedestrian yesterday now faces criminal charges, and will likely face a civil wrongful death lawsuit brought on behalf of the family of the victim. The family may seek millions of dollars to compensate them for their losses and punitive damages to punish the driver who killed their loved one. These cases are difficult for everyone involved, but are necessary to ensure the DUII driver is held accountable and the victim’s family is compensated for the loss of their loved one.

If you or someone you know were a pedestrian that was hit by a motor vehicle call Oregon Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Lawyer Jeremiah Ross at 503.224.1658. Ross Law is happy to provide free case evaluations for personal injury clients and has represented clients throughout the state of Oregon.

Driver Alert-Watch for Hood To Coast Runners on Friday and Saturday

Starting tomorrow thousands of runners, including me, will be running from Timberline Lodge to Seaside Oregon in the 2018 Hood to Coast Relay.  Please be extra cautious and patient if you are on the running route.  There are not only runners on the road, but the support vans are often driving slow and may be unfamiliar with the area.  Runners will be running early in the morning and throughout the night on Friday, so please be extra cautious if you are near the running route.  Additionally, there will be increased congestion in certain areas along the running route.  Click here if you are unsure where the running route is, or you would like more information. Please be patient and take alternate routes if possible. 2018 should not be a year where a runner is killed or injured by a driver's negligence or stupidity.  

Portland's 10 Most Dangerous Intersections

Portland is known for its pedestrian and bike-friendly streets.  However, things are much different on the East side of town past 82nd Ave.   As a personal injury lawyer, I have represented people that have been injured at various Portland intersections.  A couple of years ago I represented a pedestrian that was struck by a vehicle crossing the street at SE 82nd Ave and Division St.  Thankfully my client was not injured too badly, relatively speaking. However, after some investigation, we determined there was an unusual number of "near misses" with pedestrians crossing the street in the late afternoon.  Recently, Oregonlive published its list of "Portland's 10 Most Dangerous Intersections" and noted all of them are East of 82nd Ave.  I was not surprised to learn that the intersection at 82nd and Division made the list. 



Here is the rundown from the Oregonian: 

No. 10: Southeast 148th Ave. and Stark St.

No. 9: Southeast 92nd Ave. and Holgate Blvd.

No. 8: Southeast 136th Ave. and Powell Blvd.

No. 7: Southeast 122nd Ave. and Powell Blvd.

No. 6: Northeast 122nd Ave. and Glisan St.

No. 5: Southeast 82nd Ave. and Division St.

No. 4: Southeast 174th Ave. and Powell Blvd.

No. 3: Southeast 122nd Ave. and Division St.

No. 2: Southeast 82nd Ave. and Powell Blvd.

No. 1: Southeast 122nd Ave. and Stark St.

Please slow down, remain vigilant, and be extra cautious around these intersections.  Another person does not need to be injured due to the negligence of a driver.  If you or someone you know has been injured at a Portland Oregon intersection call Portland Oregon personal injury lawyer Jeremiah Ross for your free case evaluation.  Please remember Ross Law PDX represents pedestrians and cyclist throughout the state that have been injured by the negligence of others.  We are here to help. Call 503.224.1658.  Please note Oregonlive has done its own independent research, and Ross Law has not verified any of the information noted in this blog.   This blog article could be considered personal injury Attorney Advertising.  

Please Drive Safe! 17 People Have Died in Portland Traffic Crashes So Far

This year has been a deadly year on Portland's roads.   According to Oregonlive, as of May, 17 2018 people have died in traffic-related crashes in Portland alone.   Pedestrians are the most vulnerable road users, so far 9 pedestrians have been killed in traffic-related incidents so far.   Motorcyclists are also susceptible to injury or death due to the fact they have minimal protection in a crash.  4 Motorcyclists have been killed in traffic crashes so far.   Three people that were in motorized vehicles have also died in traffic crashes so far.  One cyclist has been killed by a vehicle this year.

These tragic deaths highlight the need for Portland's drivers to remain attentive.  Drivers need to get off of the phone, stay alert, look for pedestrians and cyclists, and slow down.  We all know we need to do this, but the consequences of a driver's "mistake" are tragic. 

If you or someone you know was injured by another driver's negligence call Ross Law LLC.  Portland Personal Injury Attorney Jeremiah Ross represents cyclists, pedestrians, motorcyclists and drivers who have been injured in Oregon traffic crashes.  Call Jeremiah Ross at 503.224.1658 for your free case evaluation.   

Be Safe in These Dark Days. Tips to Remain Visible on the Road

Daylight savings has arrived. This is the time of year where most people's afternoon commute is done in the dark.  Pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers are all on the wet dark roads doing their best to get home.  This combination can lead to deadly consequences because pedestrians, cyclists, motorcycles, and other vehicles can be difficult to see.

The Portland Bureau of Transportation has provided some helpful tips for drivers.  PBOT recommends for drivers to: 

  • Use your headlights even if it is not "night time"
  • Leave more space between you and the car in front of you
  • Remember to practice patience and slow down
  • Stay in your lane and beware of drivers who dart from lane to lane
  • Even though the route may be familiar, don't go on autopilot; stay alert and ALWAYS watch for vulnerable road users such as people walking, biking and rolling
  • Don't touch your phone, eat, drink or do other things that are distracting. Remember, as of October 1, 2017, it is illegal to drive while holding or using an electronic device (i.e. a cell phone or tablet).
  • Slow down at crosswalks and take care when making turns – even at a signal.

Cyclists, Runners, and Pedestrians should increase their visibility by:

Did you know that you’re first visible to people driving from 500 feet away when you’re wearing reflective clothing? Compare this to just 55 feet away when wearing dark colors with no reflective gear or lights.
— Portland Bureau of Transportation
  • wearing reflective clothing or gear
  • using safety lights. 
  • When walking, keeping a small flashlight or using the feature on your phone is another helpful way to make sure you can see at night.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a crash involving a vehicle, call Portland personal injury lawyer Jeremiah Ross at 503.224.1658 for your free case evaluation.  Also, Ross Law LLC is not affiliated with the City of Portland and this post is for informational purposes only.  This post may be percieved as Attorney Advertising.