wrongful death

Ross Law Featured in Statesman Journal for $4,000,000 Settlement

In a landmark settlement reported by The Statesman Journal, the state of Oregon has agreed to pay $4 million to the family of a 20-year-old who died by suicide while on parole with the Oregon Youth Authority (OYA). This significant settlement highlights the concerns about the treatment and supervision of the acutely mentally ill that are in the legal custody of the State of Oregon’s Youth Authority.

The lawsuit alleged that the state's negligence, violations of civil rights, and inadequate mental health care contributed directly to the young man's death. Jeremiah Ross was trusted by the family to obtain justice under these tragic circumstances. The settlement spotlights the need for systemic reforms to prevent similar tragedies in the future. It is Jeremiah Ross’s hope that the State of Oregon has acknowledged the severity of the case and expressed a commitment to improving mental health services within correctional facilities.

This case underscores the critical importance of proper mental health care and oversight in custodial settings, prompting discussions about policy changes and increased funding for mental health initiatives.

For the full article Click: Here.

The Case was Galm v. The State of Oregon (OYA), Et Al, United States District Court for the District of Oregon Case: 3:23-cv-00962.

This is the second time Ross Law and Jeremiah Ross have been featured by the Statesman Journal for representing a family seeking justice on behalf of a relative who tragically committed suicide. Click Here, for the previous article.

If you or someone you know were abused, neglected, sexually assaulted, severely injured, or have endured a tragic loss of a loved one, and believe it is the fault of the Oregon Youth Authority (OYA), Oregon Department of Human Services Child Protective Services (CPS), the Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC), or any local or state law enforcement agency, please call Ross Law at 503.224.1658 to discuss your options.

Please remember that each case is different and although this million-dollar recovery occurred in this case, it may not occur in every case.

Ross Law featured in OregonLive for Record $4,000,000 Settlement

In a landmark settlement reported by The Oregonian, the state of Oregon has agreed to pay $4 million to the family of a 20-year-old who died by suicide while on Oregon Youth Authority Parole. According to OregonLive this is a “record” settlement, highlighting significant concerns about the treatment and supervision of individuals in state care.

The lawsuit alleged that the state's negligence, violations of the young man’s civil rights, and inadequate mental health care contributed directly to the young man's death. Jeremiah Ross and Ross Law, were honored to be trusted by the family to try and acheive justice under these tragic circumstances. Jeremiah Ross hopes that this settlement will spotlight the need for systemic reforms to prevent similar tragedies in the future. It is Ross Law’s hopes that State officials have acknowledged the severity of the case and expressed a commitment to improving mental health services within correctional facilities.

This case underscores the critical importance of proper mental health care and oversight in custodial settings, prompting discussions about policy changes and increased funding for mental health initiatives.

For the full article Click: Here

The Case was Galm v. The State of Oregon (OYA), Et Al, United States District Court for the District of Oregon Case: 3:23-cv-00962.

If you or someone you know were abused, neglected, sexually assaulted, severely injured, or have endured a tragic loss of a loved one, and believe it is the fault of the Oregon Youth Authority (OYA), Oregon Department of Human Services Child Protective Services (CPS), the Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC), or any local or state law enforcement agency, please call Ross Law at 503.224.1658 to discuss your options.

Please remember that each case is different and although this million-dollar recovery occurred in this case, it may not occur in every case.

2019 Was An Incredible Year for Ross Law's Clients!

2019 was an amazing year for Ross Law and our Clients! Ross Law worked tirelessly to assist Oregonians to obtain maximum compensation for their Personal Injury cases, wrongful death cases, crime victim cases, insurance disputes, and consumer cases.

Below is a rundown on some of the results from 2019:

  • $2,225,000.00 Jury Trial Verdict where Jeremiah Ross co-counseled a two-week medical malpractice & Patient Safety case with another attorney against one of Oregon’s top medical malpractice defense law firms. Click HERE for more information on that case.

  • Significant Settlement in Case Against DHS and others in a case where our young client was abused and neglected while she was in the legal custody of the Department of Human Services. Click HERE for more information on the lawsuit against Oregon’s DHS & CPS.

  • Confidential Settlement in Wrongful Death Case against a mental health provider whose negligence resulted in a schizophrenic’s suicide;

  • Confidential Settlement received in a civil domestic violence case against an abuser. Ross Law represented a young survivor of domestic violence and filed a lawsuit against the abuser after he was convicted of his crimes in criminal court. As a crime victim’s lawyer, Ross Law fought tirelessly to cut through very complex legal issues to ensure the victim received compensation to regain the power and control of her life.

  • $100,000.00 settlement for Ross Law’s client who was backed over by a vehicle while she was urinating behind the vehicle due to her intoxication. The bad driver’s insurance company denied any liability until Jeremiah Ross litigated the matter.

  • Insurance Benefits obtained for a client who the insurer denied personal injury protection benefits to a cyclist who was thrown into a car at a stop sign. The stopped vehicle’s insurer denied benefits based on its interpretation of the law that the cyclist had to be “struck by” the vehicle. The judge ordered the Insurance Company to pay the cyclist $15,000.00 in denied insurance benefits and the cyclist’s costs and attorney fees. Click HERE for more information on that case.

  • Insurance Benefits obtained for a client who was wrongfully denied Personal Injury Protection benefits from USAA and Auto Injury Solutions. The judge ordered USAA to pay the outstanding benefits and our client’s costs and attorney fees. Click HERE for more information on that case.

  • Numerous favorable Settlements in Lemon Law and Auto Dealership Fraud Cases. These settlements included cash that was paid directly to our clients by the dealership, buy-backs of vehicles, unwinding car deals, and the dealership or auto manufacturers paid Ross Law’s consumer client’s costs and attorney fees.

There were many other amazing results for or clients! Please remember that results for all clients will vary. Each case is different. Some cases are better than others. If you, or someone you know, needs a personal injury lawyer, wrongful death lawyer, crime victim’s lawyer, or consumer lawyer please call Ross Law at 503.224.1658.

Jeremiah Ross Selected as a SuperLawyer! Again....

2019 was an incredible year for Ross Law and Jeremiah Ross! Ross Law fought tirelessly for our clients in personal injury cases, insurance disputes, wrongful death cases, medical malpractice cases, lemon law cases, auto dealership fraud cases, and crime victim cases. Ross law achieved incredible results for our clients.


Peers selected Jeremiah Ross as a 2020 SuperLawyer for personal injury general plaintiff’s practice. This is the fifth year Jeremiah Ross has been recognized by SuperLawyers.

  • 2020 Oregon Super Lawyers

  • 2019 Oregon Super Lawyers

  • 2018 Oregon Super Lawyers

  • 2017 Oregon Rising Stars

  • 2016 Oregon Rising Stars

We look forward to continuing with the amazing success Ross Law has had and are thankful to be rated as a SuperLawyer!


Please remember the results may vary for each client. Each case is different. If you or someone you know needs to speak with a Personal Injury Lawyer, Wrongful Death Lawyer, Crime Victim Lawyer, or Consumer Lawyer, please call 503.224.1658 to speak with Ross Law. This post may be considered Attorney Advertising.

6 Fatal Traffic Crashes In 4 Days in Portland! WTH Portland Drivers?

SIX fatal traffic crashes have occurred in the past FOUR DAYS in Portland Oregon! As an Oregon wrongful death and personal injury lawyer this is extraordinarily alarming. Each and every one of these heartbreaking deaths were likely preventable if people used common sense and simply followed the law while they were driving. Portland Police Bureau Chief Outlaw is warning, “Drivers [to] slow down, don’t drive impaired/distracted. Bikes and peds use caution-don’t assume drivers see you.”

Chief Outlaw also warned that the PPB is going to stepping up traffic enforcement. Portland drivers take note that you may be ticketed for what you perceive as a minor traffic violation (driving 10 miles over the speed limit, rolling through a stop sign, failing to stop while a pedestrian is waiting at a cross walk.) Hopefully increased enforcement will work to change Portland driving behavior.


Law enforcement are not the only folks out there trying to change Portland’s driver’s behavior. Here at Ross Law, we believe that it is our duty to use the civil justice system make our community a safer place by holding wrongdoers accountable and hopefully deterring people from driving negligently, carelessly, or recklessly. We do this by filing lawsuits against the bad drivers that injure our clients. This will hopefully force the bad driver, their family, and their friends to change their driving behavior. We know that it is not easy to be sued and explain your actions that injured or killed someone. We use the civil justice process to attempt to force bad drivers that injure our clients to own up to what they did, and be held responsible by having to explain their actions, and admit they were at fault. Additionally, their insurer will have to pay to compensate the person they injured. We wholeheartedly agree with Chief Outlaw that drivers need to slow down, don’t drive impaired or distracted, and cyclist and pedestrians should be cautious on the roads.

If you or someone you know have been injured or killed in a Oregon motor vehicle crash, call Jeremiah Ross at 503.224.1658. Call Ross Law for your free personal injury case evaluation. We proudly represent people injured in car crashes, bicycle crashes, and pedestrians that were struck by a vehicle.

5 Things To Know if You Were In a Crash with a DUII Driver

Ross Law PDX recently resolved a case where our client was hit by a DUII driver. The driver was out drinking and decided to drive home. While he was driving his blood alcohol concentration was well over the legal limit. The speeding drunk driver ran a stop sign and T-Boned my client’s car. The crash totaled my client’s vehicle. The DUII driver then attempted to flee, but pulled over minutes later. The DUII driver was then arrested and charged with DUII and Reckless Driving. While the DUII driver was spending the night in jail, our client was at Urgent Care getting treatment for his injuries. The crash caused ourclient to suffer soft tissue injuries (neck and back strain) which thankfully healed in a short amount of time. Our client brought Ross Law on board and we were able to obtain the DUII Driver’s $25,000.00 policy limits very shortly after letting them know of our representation. This is not an unusual scenario in DUII crash cases. However, these cases are unique and many victims of DUII drivers are often getting less than they are entitled to simply because of confusion about their rights and obligations. The following five things should assist DUII victims in ensuring they receive maximum compensation for their losses:


1) You Have a Right to Receive A Police Report & Other Information: One of the first things that victims want to know is what happened to cause their injuries. Clients often say, “I don’t understand how he/she could have been so drunk and still driving.” Getting a police report helps victims learn what happened. It also helps them evaluate a civil case against the DUII Driver. The vast majority of the time the District Attorney will not release a police report while the case is pending under any circumstances. This is one exception to that rule. The law mandates that the District Attorney’’s Office must provide a report to victims or their lawyers if it is requested. See ORS 135.857.

2) The District Attorney Does Not “Represent” The Victim: The District Attorney’s job is to prosecute the DUII driver. This means that they will ensure that the DUII driver is either convicted of DUII or brought to trial for DUII. If the DUII driver is convicted of DUII, then the District Attorney may ask all victims involved if they are seeking restitution. This does not mean that the District Attorney is the victim’s lawyer. It simply means that the District Attorney (“DA”) is doing their job to ensure that the victims receive criminal restitution they are entitled to. This distinction is important to remember, because many people believe that the DA is also helping them with an “insurance claim” or getting compensation. Simply put, that is not he District Attorney’s job. That is what personal injury lawyers and crime victim lawyers such as Ross Law PDX do. This must be clear because the victims may limit their compensation if they do not exercise all of their rights. Click here to learn more about the difference between the district attorney and a civil attorney.

3) Criminal Restitution is Not the Same as Compensation in a Civil Case: Many times the District Attorney will send DUII victims a letter requesting if they are seeking “restitution.” Many people are confused about these letters and notices. Additionally, some DUII victims believe that seeking restitution is the same as pursuing a civil claim against the DUII driver. These are very different things. Criminal restitution is very limited. Criminal Restitution only covers “economic damages” caused by the defendant. Economic damages are defined as “objectively verifiable monetary losses.” These are often referred to as “out of pocket expenses.” Things like medical bills, burial expenses, lost income, costs to repair property, and insurance deductibles are routinely covered. See ORS 137.106(1) and ORS 31.710(2)(a). However, things like pain, suffering, frustration, anxiety, interference with activities of daily living are not recoverable as criminal restitution. These are non-economic damages. The DA has to make a claim for restitution within 90 days of sentencing, so it is important to communicate with the DA promptly if you are seeking restitution.

4) Insurance Companies Will Still Cover A DUII Crash: There are many instances when an insurance company refuses to provide coverage for an incident due to the insured’s conduct. However, the vast majority of the time an insurance company will still provide insurance coverage for a DUII crash. This is important because it allows the injured victims to receive compensation for pain and suffering in addition to their economic losses.

5) A DUII Crash Case is Worth More than a Regular Case: Insurance companies evaluate make their money by evaluating risk. They do their best to attempt to figure out what a Jury may award the victim of a DUII driver. This can be difficult because of the risk of punitive damages and the fact that the Jury may simply award the victim a substantial amount of money because the driver was impaired at the time of the crash. As a result, insurance companies will usually pay more to a victim of a DUII driver.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a crash with an Oregon DUII driver or impaired driver you should call Ross Law PDX at 503.224.1658 for your free personal injury consultation. Oregon Personal Injury and Wrongful Death attorney Jeremiah Ross is happy to discuss your options. Please remember that case results vary and the law is constantly changing. Please contact a personal injury lawyer rather than relying on this post. Also this post could be considered ATTORNEY ADVERTISING.

Can You Be Sued for Over-serving Alcohol to A Person that Causes a Car Crash?

‘Tis the season for holiday parties, which means it is also the season for DUII crashes. Many of these crashes cause catastrophic injuries or deaths. When that occurs it is likely that the injured person’s family will want to hold all negligent persons responsible for causing the injuries or death. Most people think that simply the impaired driver is solely responsible for causing the crash. However, that may not be the case if the DUII driver is leaving a residence or bar where he was over-served alcohol. In Oregon you can be sued if you are a social host and over-serve a visibly intoxicated person who causes a car crash. This means that you may be responsible for the injured person’s losses which can be millions of dollars in some cases.


To put it another way, homeowner’s can be held responsible for serving alcohol to a person that is visibly intoxicated and later injures another in a DUII crash. (See ORS 471.565). Oregon courts have determined a person who receives guests in a social setting, in which the host serves or directs the serving of booze or beer to guests can be held accountable if the overly intoxicated person later injures another in a DUII crash. Don’t believe me? Check out the Court’s opinion in Deckard v. Bunch, 358 Or 754 (2016).

Social Host liability is important because home owner’s and renter’s insurance policies may cover DUII crash injuries and provide tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of dollars, in additional insurance coverage. This money can be used to pay medical bills, physical therapy, vocational rehabilitation, and to compensate the injured person or their family for their harms and losses. More importantly, social host liability will hopefully act as a deterrent to over-serving intoxicated people who may get behind the wheel.

Social Host cases can be complicated and there are other theories an attorney can use to attempt to obtain maximum recovery for a person’s wrongful death, injury, or loss. Please contact Portland Personal Injury Attorney, Jeremiah Ross, at 503.224.1658 for a free personal injury consultation. Please remember this post is for informational purposes only and you should rely on the current statute and case law when considering a dram shop claim. These laws constantly change and the theories of liability are not as clear as they were in the past. Please consult with an attorney if you believe you have a dram shop claim, social host claim, or have been injured by a DUII Driver.

Another Avoidable Tragic Death In Portland-Pedestrian Killed by Driver

Yesterday a Portland man was killed by a DUII Driver as he was on the side of the road. His death was the 33 traffic fatality in Portland this year. State wide more than 400 people have been killed in car crashes. All of these deaths could be prevented if people simply followed the laws, avoided distracted driving, kept their vehicles properly maintained, and roads were properly maintained and designed.


The driver who killed the pedestrian yesterday now faces criminal charges, and will likely face a civil wrongful death lawsuit brought on behalf of the family of the victim. The family may seek millions of dollars to compensate them for their losses and punitive damages to punish the driver who killed their loved one. These cases are difficult for everyone involved, but are necessary to ensure the DUII driver is held accountable and the victim’s family is compensated for the loss of their loved one.

If you or someone you know were a pedestrian that was hit by a motor vehicle call Oregon Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Lawyer Jeremiah Ross at 503.224.1658. Ross Law is happy to provide free case evaluations for personal injury clients and has represented clients throughout the state of Oregon.